Welcome to
Kernow Smart Homes.

We specialise in providing technology solutions to make your home smarter. Our services will help you build fully automated, technologically advanced, beautiful homes, with technology integrated to provide solutions that are simple to use and future proof your home for generations to come.

At Kernow Smart Homes we’re proud to be the lead Niko Home Control Integration partner for the Cornwall . Our installs combine leading edge technology with the latest in design options and functionality choices, ensuring simplicity suitable for all the family to understand and use.

Any smart home needs to be designed around you and your family’s lifestyle; an automated home adds no value if it doesn’t enhance your home. Our design process is all based around a thorough understanding about you, your family, your lifestyle and your whats important to you and we’ll design the best system for your smart home.

Click on the video below to see just some of the things a smart home can do for you.

Create your
perfect space

Your home is as individual as you are. We are here to help you, working with you at every stage to realise your vision of a perfect home. Why not contact us for an informal chat about your project and we will show you where we can add value!

1. Consult


2. Design


3. Install


4. Enjoy